Saturday, November 19, 2022


Conflicting schedules seem posed to draw the ANGUISHEDWIRES game to a premature end. However, on a more positive note I found some music to fill out the areas mellon left out in his original post.

The Antlings didn't have an ambient-combat divide for their music. I thought Taitoki's track felt pretty "fighty," so I went looking for something more laid back. I felt Clovis' Soft Infinity for LISA: The Pointless was a good track for moving around in a giant ant hive.

Pegora the Ogre mage didn't have any music at all, which was a shame. I'd given him an exaggerated deep voice and a larger-than-life personality (like a lot of mellon's NPCs) that fit Grim Fandango's Swanky Maximino for reasons I annoyingly can't put into words. In the off chance that someone decides to pick a fight with him, there's Tom Wait's Knife Chase. It's an intense track and it always made me feel like something big and heavy was shlepping after you. They also both have brass instruments. If there are two themes for one person, place, or idea, I like them to be similar to each other.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

ANGUISHEDWIRES session three

After a long hiatus, it's time to run ANGUISHEDWIRES again! Or rather it was, since I ran it last night. The usual crew couldn't make it, so it was up to Litho resuming his role as Octavia, and a new join, Goliath, who dropped in with Zo, a man almost religiously devoted to martial prowess.

I'd finally written up enough of an equipment list to start using it, so it was time to shop. Between sessions, Octavia had recruited a cadre of eleven hirelings, for a mere 56 SP per day. Four men-at-arms, two crossbowmen, three porters, and two thieves, all of them 2nd level. At thirteen strong, the party crossed the river and marched into the dungeon.