Now with the whole group (and mom hat) double vaccinated, we could all meet up in the hat basement for rpg funtimes. We ate some pasta and brownies and went downstairs to pick up where we left off.
The team drove out to the land of cell reception and found that the Free-Life Temple's next 'healing session' was due in a week. They asked for a Home scene which seemed like a bit of a stretch, but I said they could check off any skills they could plausibly train in the meantime. Sadie, of course, spent the week trying to get closer to Fox Tox.
The church bus drove out to another county and set up shop with a big tent in an abandoned lot. Gina stayed in the jeep to provide overwatch while Barbara, Ren, and Sadie hung around the back of the crowd. The reverend gave a normal sort of service with the usual deviations one might expect from a faith-healing sect. Ren didn't note anything too out of the ordinary with Anthropology, nothing about star people or crystals that one might expect to find out here in Montana.