Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Low Tide on the Spit: Session Three

The party returned to find the Iron Cup fort in lockdown mode. Too many people had gone missing and they weren't letting anyone in or out without express permission from Tovosia. So the group decided to spend the night on the Satyrdance, anchored at the shore. 

They set sail at first light for the southern tip of the southern-most island. With Josian by their side, they hoped to incapacitate the pirate crew by spamming Sleep. However, as they sailed down the eastern shores, they were once again distracted by an interesting sight. A massive rock formation with steam billowing out of the base where the stone met the sea. The steam seemed to be coming out of shore-level caves. Once the party was sure the caves wouldn't flood and drown them and that the steam wouldn't boil them alive, they entered one.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Low Tide on the Spit: Session Two

The party woke up the next morning with the intent of finding the pirate ship Man's Fate. As they began to circumnavigate the southernmost island, Josian spotted a large shape in the fog. It was so far away that not even the spyglass could resolve its features. Was it a ship, an island, or a massive sea monster? Nobody knew. The group held a vote and unanimously agreed to investigate. As they sailed closer, a tall craggy island stretched out of the fog, rocky and dotted with trees. A little above the shoreline, a dolmen was nestled into the cliff side.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Low Tide on the Spit: Session One

The survivors of the Lost Vineyard were sailing towards The Spit, an archipelago of sub-polar islands currently experiencing a record-breaking low tide. Vraifigi had christened their ship the Satyrdance. Josian stood at the prow, peering into the fog with her newly purchased spyglass. Simon slept in the hold, waiting for an important message to come to him in his dreams. Amalia watched her hawk, Mister Feathers, fly alongside the ship, while she entertained her hounds, Behemoth and Leviathan. Aedric chatted with his retainers, four humans from Caecely, home to the infamous caecillians. Mateo the Magic-User, Theresa the Thief, Carlotta the Cleric, and Francesco the Fighter explained that they were massive worm-like beasts sometimes farmed for their milk.