With the new year we decided to pick up our campaign with the hope of finally getting to play Iconoclasts. As I am still working to prep a few things I asked one of my friends to run a couple scenarios for the group. This week they ran a modified version of In Darkness We Wait set in Afghanistan. Since I didn’t know anything about this scenario I actually got to play as an Agent this week. I’ll leave the rest of the explanation to the Handler.
Spears & Spreadsheets
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Atoll of the Shark God: Session Seven
In the hold of the ship, Aedric dreamed of cursed items. The talking bone-sword, the clay tablet, the green amulet, the coral ring, and the shark-tooth pendant danced around him, laughing. Then he awoke to the noise of something snuffling through his pack. It was the nightmarish fish monster! Slightly smaller than before, but still just as horrible. Vraifigi was already awake, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. She leapt onto its scaly back and carved chunks out of it with her shiny dagger. Mateo cast Light so the rest of the party could actually see. Simon stumbled out of his hammock and threw his own dagger directly in the beast's eye. It sunk deep into the socket, only to rocket back at him as the old eye fell onto the floor and a new one popped out to replace it. Then Francesco chopped it in half with his sword.
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Atoll of the Shark God: Session Two
Josian awoke to the deafening sound of a trumpet. When she ran up to the deck, assuming the worst, she found that it was just the sailors playing with the Shofar Ram. They were hazing each other, seeing who could last the longest in the cone of its sonic attack. The rest of the party was unable to get the sailors to hoist them back up to the ship for the night, so they sent Mr. Feathers to find Josian.
Back on the ship, Aedric tried on the blue shark-tooth necklace. He was immediately overcome with hunger, but also a sense that feasting on fish would make him stronger. He also found himself unable to take it off. Aedric called upon the powers of the Grain Goddess to fill his belly so that he might discard the cursed item. The party briefly entertained the idea of cursing Portygul with the necklace, but realized a very hungry dragon was probably a bad idea.
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Atoll of the Shark God: Session One
The Satyrdance still had a month's left of contracting for the crew, and Aedric had received word of a new treasure site from the church of the Grain Goddess. So they sailed south to the titular atoll. With the better weather, they were able to fully survey the islands with Josian's spyglass. They could see a small orange dragon lounging on the beach next to a longship and decided to make landfall further south. The southernmost island proved to be full of nothing but seals. The Satyrdance continued clockwise around the atoll until they spotted a large ram atop a hill.
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Low Tide on the Spit: Session Three
The party returned to find the Iron Cup fort in lockdown mode. Too many people had gone missing and they weren't letting anyone in or out without express permission from Tovosia. So the group decided to spend the night on the Satyrdance, anchored at the shore.
They set sail at first light for the southern tip of the southern-most island. With Josian by their side, they hoped to incapacitate the pirate crew by spamming Sleep. However, as they sailed down the eastern shores, they were once again distracted by an interesting sight. A massive rock formation with steam billowing out of the base where the stone met the sea. The steam seemed to be coming out of shore-level caves. Once the party was sure the caves wouldn't flood and drown them and that the steam wouldn't boil them alive, they entered one.
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Low Tide on the Spit: Session Two
The party woke up the next morning with the intent of finding the pirate ship Man's Fate. As they began to circumnavigate the southernmost island, Josian spotted a large shape in the fog. It was so far away that not even the spyglass could resolve its features. Was it a ship, an island, or a massive sea monster? Nobody knew. The group held a vote and unanimously agreed to investigate. As they sailed closer, a tall craggy island stretched out of the fog, rocky and dotted with trees. A little above the shoreline, a dolmen was nestled into the cliff side.
Friday, July 19, 2024
Low Tide on the Spit: Session One
The survivors of the Lost Vineyard were sailing towards The Spit, an archipelago of sub-polar islands currently experiencing a record-breaking low tide. Vraifigi had christened their ship the Satyrdance. Josian stood at the prow, peering into the fog with her newly purchased spyglass. Simon slept in the hold, waiting for an important message to come to him in his dreams. Amalia watched her hawk, Mister Feathers, fly alongside the ship, while she entertained her hounds, Behemoth and Leviathan. Aedric chatted with his retainers, four humans from Caecely, home to the infamous caecillians. Mateo the Magic-User, Theresa the Thief, Carlotta the Cleric, and Francesco the Fighter explained that they were massive worm-like beasts sometimes farmed for their milk.
Sunday, June 30, 2024
The Lost Vineyard: Epilogue
I think I have found my true calling in adventuring. I shall remain at the vineyard to receive any workers the Abbot wishes to send, but do not wait for me to return to the monastery. I will travel the world with my new friends, fighting evil and spreading the good word of the Goddess.
That was less than optimal, but no matter. Another foothold in the Hot Lands was welcome, as was the chance to make more of Wanax's wine. They'd keep it a secret at first, pretending Aedric and some other clerics had merely recovered well preserved vintages. Then once they were sure the local Liberator cultists posed no threat to their operation, they'd start selling the wine for real. Ah, Claudio, he thought to himself, you've outdone yourself now. That really is a clever idea. This is sure to cheer up the Abbot.